sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010


I think that after Lennie killed Curley's wife by accident he didn't have many choices and he followed George instructions to hide in the place where they camp before arriving to the farm. Due to the fact that Curley's father was the owner of the farm and that Curley's wife was the only woman on the farm and wife of Curley all the ranch-men went in search of Lennie to kill him because of what he had done. George hopping that Lennie had followed his advices goes to the meeting place and finds Lennie. George asked to Lennie to turn around and look for the ranch-men and then George shoot Lennie with Carlson's gun but saying that Lennie had the gun in his hands. Slim was the only one who really understand what had happen.
I think George knew that Lennie didn't have any options and that the ranch-men will soon find them and he will also be in trouble, anyway Lennie will be kill by the ranch-men so he decide to kill his friend what sound terrible but finally was better because George preferred to kill Lennie as a friend rather than letting other men kill him.

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